Salento Film Festival Internazionale Cortometraggio - Finibus Terrae
Festival - Versione Italiano Festival - English Version
  Human Rights
Direction Dani Rosenberg

Production: Sam Spiegel Film & Television School
Script: Dani Rosenberg
Subject: Dani Rosenberg
Photography Director: Tomer Shani
Editing: Nadav Lapid
Sound Technician: Gil Asheri
Actors: Muhamed Eliwat, Jonathan Giron, Shlomi Hayun, Mako Otomo, Renana Raz, Ahmed Abo Salem
Israele 2005 - durata 12‘ Contacts
In a dump he walks through on his way to school, an Arab lad in Jerusalem finds a small, red electronic game. He picks it up and plays with it as he walks. Security cameras follow him. Near the school entrance, one of his teachers confiscates it, and the teacher, in turn, has it taken from him by two Israeli soldiers. We follow the toy, as do the omnipresent security cameras, into the hands of a café owner, and then to a Japanese tourist, a nun, an Orthodox boy, and more. Its very presence, with its lights and beeps, causes suspicion and sometimes alarm. Is this a world in which it's unsafe to carry a toy?

il filmfestival Salento Finibus Terrae è una produzione Events Production
20 edizione
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